// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 25 Spruce Run owned by redacted-o9 in Ramsey Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 25 Spruce Run, Ramsey Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0248_4905_42_C0025

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 25 Spruce Run, Ramsey Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 4905, Lot: 42, QCode: C0025
Assessment (2023): $532,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,656
Area: 3566.27 acres
Perimeter: 12.69 miles
Population 2020: 14798
Pop Density 2020: 2656/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Ramsey Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
41.053636724904-74.140181870280248_4905_42_C003232 Spruce Runredacted-o8$493,300$13,501
41.053660888307-74.1401068158470248_4905_42_C003333 Spruce Runredacted-o8$488,900$13,381
41.053684292943-74.1400344946880248_4905_42_C003434 Spruce Runredacted-o8$554,000$15,978
41.053708687478-74.1399603443450248_4905_42_C003535 Spruce Runredacted-o8$470,400$12,874
41.053731351983-74.1398885588870248_4905_42_C003636 Spruce Runredacted-o8$509,000$13,931
41.053870391673-74.1404103867450248_4905_42_C003030 Spruce Runredacted-o8$546,200$14,949
41.053930177857-74.1404194220230248_4905_42_C002929 Spruce Runredacted-o8$464,400$12,710
41.053950607126-74.1398189038410248_4905_42_C003737 Spruce Runredacted-o8$505,900$13,846
41.053991894224-74.1404294712520248_4905_42_C002828 Spruce Runredacted-o8$464,600$12,716
41.054010028171-74.1398298436230248_4905_42_C003838 Spruce Runredacted-o8$436,700$11,952
41.054050956082-74.1404380667250248_4905_42_C002727 Spruce Runredacted-o8$455,900$12,477
41.054071525145-74.1398425389610248_4905_42_C003939 Spruce Runredacted-o8$541,400$14,818
41.05411099447-74.1404430097840248_4905_42_C002626 Spruce Runredacted-o8$465,400$12,738
41.054130601335-74.1398601322840248_4905_42_C004040 Spruce Runredacted-o8$484,600$13,263
41.054170622774-74.1404559937830248_4905_42_C002525 Spruce Runredacted-o8$532,700$14,580
41.054190197104-74.1398672453930248_4905_42_C004141 Spruce Runredacted-o8$437,500$11,974
41.054248553883-74.1398791134010248_4905_42_C004242 Spruce Runredacted-o8$523,400$14,325
41.054572330285-74.1405010685020248_4905_42_C00077 Spruce Runredacted-o8$525,800$14,391
41.054582344041-74.1404217336640248_4905_42_C00088 Spruce Runredacted-o8$462,600$12,661
41.054584502487-74.1403419356380248_4905_42_C00099 Spruce Runredacted-o8$459,500$12,576
41.054591585159-74.140263635440248_4905_42_C001010 Spruce Runredacted-o8$464,500$12,713
41.054598209228-74.1401825558790248_4905_42_C001111 Spruce Runredacted-o8$457,800$12,529
41.054604889343-74.1401049328230248_4905_42_C001212 Spruce Runredacted-o8$492,400$13,476

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