// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 22 Lakeview Drive owned by redacted-o9 in Old Tappan Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 22 Lakeview Drive, Old Tappan Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0243_3000_1_C0022

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 22 Lakeview Drive, Old Tappan Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 3000, Lot: 1, QCode: C0022
Assessment (2023): $510,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,246
Area: 2664.02 acres
Perimeter: 11.03 miles
Population 2020: 5888
Pop Density 2020: 1415/sq-mi

21 neighbors in Old Tappan Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
41.014640543876-73.9859435396310243_3000_1_C002222 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$510,400$10,994
41.01464179676-73.985696812280243_3000_1_C002424 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$533,400$11,489
41.014642466127-73.9860501018990243_3000_1_C002020 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$517,100$11,138
41.014643612882-73.9855926328280243_3000_1_C002626 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$517,400$11,144
41.014658822973-73.9853814380270243_3000_1_C003030 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$508,800$10,959
41.014659087302-73.9852750493020243_3000_1_C003232 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$527,600$11,364
41.014662072416-73.9862610755390243_3000_1_C001616 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$505,500$10,888
41.014662793902-73.9863652242640243_3000_1_C001414 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$535,100$11,526
41.014669404701-73.98615356040243_3000_1_C001818 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$560,300$12,068
41.014671345366-73.985489786280243_3000_1_C002828 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$529,700$11,409
41.015063527551-73.9856248341570243_3000_1_C005555 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$576,400$12,165
41.015070759325-73.9857259450950243_3000_1_C005353 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$577,800$12,445
41.015077110945-73.9860607735350243_3000_1_C004949 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$581,800$12,531
41.015080942249-73.9859570418240243_3000_1_C005151 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$584,600$12,592
41.015093393802-73.9861682662650243_3000_1_C004747 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$573,800$12,359
41.015106967418-73.9855130363370243_3000_1_C005757 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$688,000$14,819
41.015119003166-73.9862783812420243_3000_1_C004545 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$535,100$12,150
41.015125310613-73.9853990228490243_3000_1_C005959 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$584,200$12,583
41.015130098801-73.9863788325290243_3000_1_C004343 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$591,300$12,736
41.01513070811-73.9852955629460243_3000_1_C006161 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$595,000$12,566
41.015150009936-73.9866160773040243_3000_1_C004141 Lakeview Driveredacted-o8$611,700$13,176

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