// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 24 Birchwood Dr owned by redacted-o9 in North Arlington Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 24 Birchwood Dr, North Arlington Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0239_69_14

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 24 Birchwood Dr, North Arlington Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 69, Lot: 14
Assessment (2023): $406,600
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,265
Area: 1619.49 acres
Perimeter: 7.81 miles
Population 2020: 16457
Pop Density 2020: 6504/sq-mi

21 neighbors in North Arlington Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.795224968816-74.1348991405380239_67_26363 High Stredacted-o8$238,800$5,831
40.795233637856-74.1344107238510239_67_819 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$392,400$9,582
40.795307559791-74.1345570089710239_67_721 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$377,100$9,208
40.795381837009-74.1347046039430239_67_623 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$387,700$9,467
40.795422636932-74.1338286967230239_69_1016 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$399,600$9,758
40.795456636596-74.1348543744820239_67_525 Birchwood Driveredacted-o8$355,100$8,671
40.795508567876-74.1339802984730239_69_1118 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$382,000$9,328
40.795544460265-74.1350308083790239_67_427 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$383,800$9,372
40.795583975745-74.1341295717340239_69_1220 Birchwood Dr.redacted-o8$364,800$8,658
40.795658144716-74.1342764713170239_69_1322 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$414,100$10,112
40.795732934061-74.1344239019930239_69_1424 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$406,600$9,929
40.795734425542-74.1337797397420239_69_621 Allan Drredacted-o8$469,500$11,465
40.79580765865-74.1345723639080239_69_1526 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$614,200$14,998
40.795810037727-74.1339284459990239_69_523 Allan Drredacted-o8$348,400$8,507
40.795884136123-74.1340748640370239_69_425 Allan Drredacted-o8$423,000$10,329
40.795892491697-74.1347370069280239_69_1628 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$379,500$9,267
40.795959254424-74.1342222255450239_69_327 Allan Drredacted-o8$397,100$9,697
40.796034422694-74.1343710955650239_69_229 Allan Drredacted-o8$411,200$10,041
40.79608909524-74.1351160415340239_68_1334 Birchwood Drredacted-o8$439,700$10,737
40.79611570973-74.1345374380020239_69_131 Allan Drredacted-o8$485,900$11,865
40.796257406777-74.1337656582390239_72_426 Allan Drredacted-o8$403,700$9,858

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