// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 309 Four Seasons Lane owned by redacted-o9 in Montvale Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 309 Four Seasons Lane, Montvale Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0236_3301_3_C0309

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 309 Four Seasons Lane, Montvale Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 3301, Lot: 3, QCode: C0309
Assessment (2023): $543,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 3,271
Area: 2581.1 acres
Perimeter: 10.51 miles
Population 2020: 8436
Pop Density 2020: 2092/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Montvale Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
41.044460721857-74.0697413578620236_3301_3_C0407407 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$569,300$14,027
41.044467767788-74.0697840013440236_3301_3_C0408408 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$680,600$16,519
41.044474773315-74.0698263952610236_3301_3_C0409409 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$536,900$12,979
41.044481778377-74.0698687896130236_3301_3_C0410410 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$543,500$13,391
41.044488782971-74.0699111842270236_3301_3_C0411411 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$569,300$13,777
41.044495830655-74.0699538274760236_3301_3_C0412412 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$632,400$15,582
41.044517267335-74.0704633126690236_3301_3_C0312312 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$569,300$14,027
41.044518881418-74.0704196702310236_3301_3_C0311311 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$632,400$15,582
41.044520488103-74.070376219480236_3301_3_C0310310 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$536,900$13,229
41.044522097248-74.070332704440236_3301_3_C0309309 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$543,500$13,391
41.044523706376-74.0702891893980236_3301_3_C0308308 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$569,300$14,027
41.04452531549-74.0702456749490236_3301_3_C0307307 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$632,400$15,582
41.044662479476-74.0696854337730236_3301_3_C0406406 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$543,500$13,391
41.044669524835-74.0697281113610236_3301_3_C0405405 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$536,900$13,229
41.044676527097-74.0697705399760236_3301_3_C0404404 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$632,400$15,582
41.044683529865-74.0698129683860236_3301_3_C0403403 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$558,400$13,758
41.044690533257-74.0698553963580236_3301_3_C0402402 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$536,900$13,229
41.044697576594-74.0698980741580236_3301_3_C0401401 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$536,900$13,229
41.044723587064-74.0704731254570236_3301_3_C0301301 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$536,900$13,229
41.044725050963-74.0704294984490236_3301_3_C0302302 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$536,900$13,229
41.044726509646-74.0703860628210236_3301_3_C0303303 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$632,400$15,582
41.044727968424-74.0703425628450236_3301_3_C0304304 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$558,400$13,758
41.044729428591-74.0702990632340236_3301_3_C0305305 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$543,500$13,391
41.044730888275-74.0702555638960236_3301_3_C0306306 Four Seasons Laneredacted-o8$536,900$13,229

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