// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 121 Sherwood Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Mahwah Township, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 121 Sherwood Avenue, Mahwah Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0233_50_17

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 121 Sherwood Avenue, Mahwah Township, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 50, Lot: 17
Assessment (2022): $450,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,733
Area: 16564.2 acres
Perimeter: 27.58 miles
Population 2020: 25487
Pop Density 2020: 985/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Mahwah Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
41.099922644989-74.1538680659440233_50_58116 Grove Streetredacted-o8$286,500$5,836
41.100032368381-74.154256647470233_50_63122 Grove Streetredacted-o8$296,300$6,035
41.100063379895-74.153800321930233_50_60118 Grove Streetredacted-o8$313,000$6,375
41.100127325795-74.1544765884170233_50_65124 Grove Streetredacted-o8$319,800$6,514
41.100172729648-74.1541866528210233_50_616 Avenue Bredacted-o8$283,900$5,783
41.100176054014-74.1546512006410233_50_67126 Grove Streetredacted-o8$296,800$6,045
41.100225017953-74.1548201842470233_50_69128 Grove Streetredacted-o8$299,700$5,854
41.100270690984-74.1549925419330233_50_71130 Grove Streetredacted-o8$308,500$6,284
41.100275333121-74.1538411656410233_50_23115 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$270,600$5,512
41.10043662604-74.1544180356540233_50_17121 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$450,700$9,180
41.10045051113-74.1540457107160233_50_19119 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$256,300$5,255
41.100486967326-74.1545908677270233_50_15123 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$286,200$5,829
41.100535109601-74.1547647507140233_50_13127 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$221,500$4,511
41.100583923439-74.1549320843390233_50_11129 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$402,500$8,198
41.100707296971-74.1538764369220233_45_27120 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$250,100$5,094
41.100755171193-74.1540445881330233_45_29122 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$272,400$5,548
41.100801508726-74.1542145668770233_45_31124 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$263,000$5,357
41.100850248579-74.1543857119330233_45_33126 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$248,400$5,059
41.100893821264-74.1545564443120233_45_35128 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$365,200$7,439
41.100942948822-74.1547213782950233_45_37130 Sherwood Avenueredacted-o8$242,700$4,943

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