// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 368 Catskill Court owned by redacted-o9 in Mahwah Township, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 368 Catskill Court, Mahwah Township, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0233_135_368

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 368 Catskill Court, Mahwah Township, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 135, Lot: 368
Assessment (2022): $454,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 11,733
Area: 16564.2 acres
Perimeter: 27.58 miles
Population 2020: 25487
Pop Density 2020: 985/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Mahwah Township whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
41.086100358934-74.1663130082470233_135_362362 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$462,000$9,410
41.086110270452-74.1662275309620233_135_363363 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$453,200$9,231
41.086121437727-74.1661439348430233_135_364364 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$403,100$8,211
41.086127273654-74.1668631983460233_135_357357 Green Mountain Roadredacted-o8$480,600$9,789
41.086132726377-74.166055103670233_135_365365 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$382,000$7,781
41.086144920612-74.1659669980560233_135_366366 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$461,400$9,398
41.086194168223-74.1668754968660233_135_358358 Green Mountain Roadredacted-o8$460,100$9,372
41.086261549791-74.1668872448770233_135_359359 Green Mountain Roadredacted-o8$419,500$8,545
41.086326882802-74.1668985662890233_135_360360 Green Mountain Roadredacted-o8$453,200$9,231
41.086392671848-74.1669097131960233_135_361361 Green Mountain Roadredacted-o8$468,400$10,525
41.086452555557-74.1663379075630233_135_367367 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$465,400$9,480
41.086465195713-74.1662519761540233_135_368368 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$454,300$9,254
41.086476337108-74.1661642989020233_135_369369 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$463,000$9,431
41.086488036641-74.1660796519230233_135_370370 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$452,700$9,221
41.086498499636-74.1659936302090233_135_371371 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$454,400$9,256
41.08650950264-74.1659076923850233_135_372372 Catskill Courtredacted-o8$463,000$9,431
41.086814190098-74.1663152410260233_135_378378 Green Mountain Roadredacted-o8$461,400$9,398
41.086824214174-74.1656809244920233_135_533533 Cascade Courtredacted-o8$464,400$9,459
41.086838490171-74.1657689579870233_135_534534 Cascade Courtredacted-o8$455,600$9,280
41.086854154354-74.165854138290233_135_535535 Cascade Courtredacted-o8$455,400$9,276
41.086870868644-74.1659376979130233_135_536536 Cascade Courtredacted-o8$461,400$9,398
41.086881670685-74.1663130700620233_135_379379 Green Mountain Roadredacted-o8$453,200$8,981
41.086947660941-74.166312106550233_135_380380 Green Mountain Roadredacted-o8$413,400$8,420

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