// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 288 Church St owned by redacted-o9 in Lodi Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 288 Church St, Lodi Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0231_259_205

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 288 Church St, Lodi Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 259, Lot: 205
Assessment (2023): $236,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,221
Area: 1465.99 acres
Perimeter: 7.10 miles
Population 2020: 26206
Pop Density 2020: 11441/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Lodi Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.872989793811-74.0731904536220231_260_7516 Savoie Stredacted-o8$299,700$9,818
40.873083451978-74.0738674257950231_259_84Saint Joseph Blvdredacted-o8$25,800$845
40.873109922907-74.07364957020231_259_80.0211 So Savoie Stredacted-o8$279,600$9,159
40.87313064095-74.0729147642860231_260_197304 Church Stredacted-o8$244,800$8,019
40.873144286833-74.0739712573770231_259_85175 Saint Joseph Blvdredacted-o8$580,000$19,000
40.873216600191-74.073057642240231_260_199300 Church Stredacted-o8$347,900$11,397
40.873229917101-74.0741149883730231_259_87171 Saint Joseph Blvdredacted-o8$284,000$9,303
40.873240761645-74.0735457734390231_259_7815 So Savoie Stredacted-o8$254,700$8,343
40.873369191491-74.0733118185640231_259_201296 Church Stredacted-o8$218,300$7,151
40.873378695121-74.0738483493010231_259_8924 Davis Drredacted-o8$350,000$11,466
40.873451337222-74.073456117830231_259_203292 Church Stredacted-o8$228,700$7,492
40.873532690349-74.0735941860790231_259_205288 Church Stredacted-o8$236,400$7,494
40.87359868596-74.0742162470760231_259_9223 Davis Drredacted-o8$350,000$11,466
40.873615739206-74.0737367107210231_259_207284 Church Stredacted-o8$238,100$7,800
40.873696520831-74.0729732791960231_264_98297 Church Stredacted-o8$286,200$9,375
40.873701438402-74.0738774896260231_259_209280 Church Stredacted-o8$320,200$10,489
40.873777708167-74.0731156920370231_264_96293 Church Stredacted-o8$506,200$16,583
40.873784765442-74.0740201415110231_259_211276 Church Stredacted-o8$375,700$12,307
40.873860187804-74.0732556120930231_264_94289 Church Stredacted-o8$310,200$10,162
40.873869599823-74.0741628781050231_259_213272 Church Stredacted-o8$236,100$7,734
40.873904472473-74.0728720849590231_264_10039 So Savoie Stredacted-o8$280,500$9,189
40.873944526037-74.0733991647790231_264_92285 Church Stredacted-o8$225,800$7,397
40.873952037315-74.0743036046790231_259_215268 Church Stredacted-o8$540,900$17,719
40.874028498899-74.073542812440231_264_90281 Church Stredacted-o8$292,100$9,569

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