// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 212 Terrace Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Lodi Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 212 Terrace Ave, Lodi Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0231_233_33

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 212 Terrace Ave, Lodi Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 233, Lot: 33
Assessment (2023): $480,000
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,221
Area: 1465.99 acres
Perimeter: 7.10 miles
Population 2020: 26206
Pop Density 2020: 11441/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Lodi Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.86602773897-74.0867355569920231_231_30138 Norwood Averedacted-o8$218,800$7,167
40.8660813183-74.0859424621040231_233_53149 Norwood Averedacted-o8$241,800$34,535
40.866117173638-74.0868827889750231_231_28134 Norwood Averedacted-o8$458,800$15,030
40.866145141096-74.0854750011140231_233_23226 Terrace Averedacted-o8$289,000$9,467
40.866166202822-74.086081929880231_233_52145 Norwood Averedacted-o8$217,400$7,122
40.866227746409-74.0861899349630231_233_50143 Norwood Averedacted-o8$260,800$8,543
40.866229552919-74.0856146572330231_233_25222 Terrace Averedacted-o8$271,800$8,904
40.866313124191-74.0857576522970231_233_27218 Terrace Averedacted-o8$293,400$9,611
40.86631352596-74.0863349021090231_233_48141 Norwood Averedacted-o8$210,000$6,879
40.866398072807-74.0858984143240231_233_29216 Terrace Averedacted-o8$386,200$12,651
40.866399612758-74.0864771758140231_233_45139 Norwood Averedacted-o8$420,000$13,759
40.86648060201-74.0860409183190231_233_31214 Terrace Averedacted-o8$336,200$11,013
40.866483216633-74.0866191611780231_233_41.02137 Norwood Averedacted-o8$480,000$15,724
40.866569897971-74.086186167910231_233_33212 Terrace Averedacted-o8$480,000$15,724
40.86659282346-74.086802870280231_233_41.01229 Grove Stredacted-o8$573,200$18,528
40.866653912449-74.0863312668690231_233_35210 Terrace Averedacted-o8$425,600$13,942
40.86672769269-74.0855596761330231_234_11217 Terrace Averedacted-o8$298,200$9,769
40.866731065912-74.0866022369160231_233_39221 Grove Stredacted-o8$485,000$15,888
40.86680709941-74.0856944155580231_234_10213 Terrace Averedacted-o8$297,500$9,746
40.866837733859-74.0864944679160231_233_37217 Grove Stredacted-o8$317,000$10,384
40.866894206732-74.0858411014640231_234_7209 Terrace Averedacted-o8$276,100$9,045
40.867007418883-74.086032732070231_234_4203 Terrace Averedacted-o8$371,200$12,160
40.867090948068-74.0861764553450231_234_3199 Terrace Averedacted-o8$296,100$9,700
40.867116264562-74.0856310134710231_234_4794 Mckinley Averedacted-o8$348,700$11,423

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