// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 112 James St owned by redacted-o9 in Lodi Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 112 James St, Lodi Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0231_100_49

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 112 James St, Lodi Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 100, Lot: 49
Assessment (2023): $328,800
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,221
Area: 1465.99 acres
Perimeter: 7.10 miles
Population 2020: 26206
Pop Density 2020: 11441/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Lodi Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.871851945075-74.0812852734070231_109.01_3149 Grove Stredacted-o8$496,200$16,255
40.871852934047-74.0823244344280231_105.02_13124 Spring Stredacted-o8$288,800$9,461
40.871950924337-74.0809991129310231_109.01_59128 James Stredacted-o8$370,100$12,124
40.872049002728-74.0811682897790231_109.01_57124 James Stredacted-o8$250,000$8,190
40.872049353431-74.0817760431220231_100_25131 Spring Stredacted-o8$348,100$11,403
40.872118337046-74.0812868781810231_109.01_55122 James Stredacted-o8$285,400$9,349
40.872120696751-74.0818972971590231_100_24127 Spring Stredacted-o8$202,500$6,633
40.872180742127-74.0819997662120231_100_22125 Spring Stredacted-o8$276,300$9,051
40.872240154745-74.0820998499930231_100_21123 Spring Stredacted-o8$265,000$8,681
40.872266198652-74.0815386751270231_100_52114 James Stredacted-o8$339,200$11,112
40.872301393985-74.0822028202220231_100_20119 Spring Stredacted-o8$334,100$10,945
40.872359722827-74.081703120210231_100_49112 James Stredacted-o8$328,800$10,771
40.872359947504-74.0823044475350231_100_18115 Spring Stredacted-o8$247,500$8,108
40.872452522063-74.0818609813210231_100_48106 James Stredacted-o8$264,100$8,651
40.872456507843-74.0810142877580231_106_10.03117 James Stredacted-o8$317,300$10,394
40.87252359861-74.0811275230360231_106_10.02115 James Stredacted-o8$385,000$12,612
40.872525116165-74.0819831323090231_100_46.02102 James Stredacted-o8$266,900$8,743
40.872589823031-74.0812432611590231_106_10.01109 James Stredacted-o8$349,900$11,462
40.87260734779-74.0821250191460231_100_46.0198 James Stredacted-o8$294,700$9,654
40.872648699898-74.0813434380080231_106_9107 James Stredacted-o8$247,400$8,104
40.87268410797-74.0822550879640231_100_4690 James Stredacted-o8$304,900$9,988
40.872695241044-74.0814253380540231_106_8105 James Stredacted-o8$277,200$9,081
40.87274377437-74.0815054043580231_106_7103 James Stredacted-o8$238,000$7,796
40.872753614371-74.0823759003740231_100_4588 James Stredacted-o8$401,000$13,136
40.872797219189-74.0815987192040231_106_5101 James Stredacted-o8$241,700$7,918
40.872866715269-74.0817204448080231_106_397 James Stredacted-o8$273,900$8,972

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