// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 322 Magnolia Pl owned by redacted-o9 in Leonia Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 322 Magnolia Pl, Leonia Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0229_1003_5

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 322 Magnolia Pl, Leonia Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 1003, Lot: 5
Assessment (2023): $378,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,722
Area: 1042.29 acres
Perimeter: 5.62 miles
Population 2020: 9304
Pop Density 2020: 5713/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Leonia Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.862126531822-73.9865881878990229_1003_21305 Elm Plredacted-o8$365,900$12,297
40.862437784749-73.9865358439940229_1003_2312 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$368,300$12,378
40.862053090405-73.9864444111860229_1003_20309 Elm Plredacted-o8$361,500$11,900
40.86236054998-73.9863855035160229_1003_3316 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$371,500$12,486
40.861975223042-73.9862927687280229_1003_19313 Elm Plredacted-o8$383,800$12,899
40.862282782692-73.9862351502280229_1003_4320 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$406,200$13,652
40.861897079814-73.9861427686290229_1003_18317 Elm Plredacted-o8$431,000$14,485
40.862204551563-73.9860830784190229_1003_5322 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$378,500$12,721
40.862693910294-73.9860657193410229_1002_18313 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$617,200$20,744
40.861820336331-73.9859920716920229_1003_17321 Elm Plredacted-o8$436,700$14,677
40.862126871991-73.9859337258950229_1003_6324 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$383,500$12,639
40.862600948653-73.9858848455920229_1002_17315 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$426,100$14,321
40.861742732528-73.9858420541810229_1003_16325 Elm Plredacted-o8$371,800$12,496
40.862050278742-73.9857839525410229_1003_7326 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$401,000$13,477
40.861665518724-73.9856913169180229_1003_15329 Elm Plredacted-o8$401,400$13,491
40.862493967442-73.985678311060229_1002_16317 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$464,200$15,601
40.86197249034-73.985633689680229_1003_8336 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$409,100$13,749
40.861894872233-73.9854824460320229_1003_9340 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$509,500$17,124
40.862377704782-73.9854531262380229_1002_15325 Magnolia Plredacted-o8$584,600$19,648
40.862662948383-73.9853594750120229_1002_6318 Beechwood Plredacted-o8$426,500$14,334

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