// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 166 Kent St owned by redacted-o9 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 166 Kent St, Hackensack, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0223_119_61

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 166 Kent St, Hackensack, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 119, Lot: 61
Assessment (2023): $375,100
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 13,032
Area: 2779.46 acres
Perimeter: 12.19 miles
Population 2020: 46030
Pop Density 2020: 10599/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Hackensack whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.876986076625-74.0609136224060223_119_36177 Hopper Stredacted-o8$329,500$9,486
40.877023204217-74.0601915273090223_120_60166 Hopper Stredacted-o8$344,800$9,926
40.877071864251-74.0612771808980223_119_53182 Kent St.redacted-o8$317,700$9,146
40.877118887713-74.0607777756470223_119_34173 Hopper Stredacted-o8$553,300$15,929
40.877206631849-74.0611402382660223_119_55178 Kent Stredacted-o8$336,700$9,443
40.877228166222-74.0606669200710223_119_32171 Hopper Stredacted-o8$321,500$9,255
40.877285697081-74.0610580654780223_119_57174 Kent Stredacted-o8$307,400$8,850
40.877332716464-74.0605622007310223_119_30167-69 Hopper Stredacted-o8$347,400$10,001
40.877395072456-74.060948350230223_119_59170 Kent Stredacted-o8$373,600$10,755
40.87749397215-74.0603974680720223_119_27163 Hopper Stredacted-o8$406,500$11,703
40.877526088637-74.0608143061220223_119_61166 Kent Stredacted-o8$375,100$10,799
40.877573749275-74.0603155155410223_119_25159 Hopper Stredacted-o8$371,300$10,689
40.877591256432-74.0614384351040223_118_33175 Kent St.redacted-o8$315,000$9,068
40.877607227387-74.0607321011310223_119_63162 Kent St.redacted-o8$432,400$12,448
40.877697214548-74.0613312962530223_118_31171 Kent Stredacted-o8$337,800$9,725
40.877708766816-74.0601784419620223_119_23155 Hopper Stredacted-o8$368,600$10,611
40.877713973075-74.0606245667080223_119_65158 Kent Stredacted-o8$340,200$9,794
40.877804541037-74.0612234584810223_118_29167 Kent St.redacted-o8$386,500$11,127
40.87784827473-74.0604874048060223_119_67154 Kent Stredacted-o8$430,100$12,382
40.877910989005-74.0611144753660223_118_27163 Kent Stredacted-o8$359,200$10,341
40.877955933795-74.0603770538580223_119_69150 Kent Stredacted-o8$449,000$12,926
40.878018683972-74.0610062085640223_118_25159 Kent St.redacted-o8$364,700$10,499
40.878019220945-74.0614464652030223_118_63162 Poor Stredacted-o8$390,600$11,245
40.878036375781-74.0602951012010223_119_1144 Kent Stredacted-o8$479,800$13,813

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