// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 191 Mac Arthur Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Garfield, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 191 Mac Arthur Ave, Garfield, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0221_94_36

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 191 Mac Arthur Ave, Garfield, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 94, Lot: 36
Assessment (2023): $246,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,735
Area: 1402.44 acres
Perimeter: 7.39 miles
Population 2020: 32655
Pop Density 2020: 14902/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Garfield whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.873508981436-74.0985586088460221_95_6209 Harrison Averedacted-o8$401,200$13,163
40.873586003364-74.0995870681470221_94_44175 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$442,300$14,511
40.873631706771-74.0995479236190221_94_43177 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$502,400$16,483
40.873688689796-74.09883612990221_95_28192 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$1,164,300
40.873719676963-74.0994697003530221_94_41181 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$228,100$7,483
40.873753372978-74.0997569691120221_94_22108 Frederick Stredacted-o8$294,500$9,662
40.87382853095-74.0999133977290221_94_2186 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$303,900$9,970
40.873835009404-74.0993710039060221_94_39187 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$315,200$10,341
40.873904489065-74.0997446324190221_94_1992 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$307,600$10,092
40.873936045382-74.0992713994660221_94_37189 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$295,300$9,688
40.873959478714-74.0996968452330221_94_1894 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$196,900$6,460
40.874029516314-74.0992257099930221_94_36191 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$246,900$8,100
40.874066622004-74.0996036093950221_94_15100 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$270,500$8,875
40.874140094033-74.0991082435460221_94_33193 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$290,000$9,514
40.874178280202-74.0995079660460221_94_14102 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$185,000$6,069
40.874258536218-74.0990102234180221_94_32199 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$207,100$6,794
40.874290525338-74.0994087982340221_94_11108 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$385,000$12,631
40.874318787972-74.098952850050221_94_31201 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$242,000$7,940
40.874375044288-74.0989025791690221_94_30203 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$246,400$8,084
40.874428219725-74.0988598445710221_94_29205 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$222,400$7,296
40.874439998339-74.09927983750221_94_9112 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$280,000$9,186
40.874502925131-74.0998577643370221_93_3499 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$251,700$8,258
40.874508556985-74.0987905679030221_94_27209 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$259,400$8,510
40.874527393038-74.0991995699060221_94_8114 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$149,900$4,918
40.874570518995-74.0997995045620221_93_33101 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$318,000$10,433

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