// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 29 Irving Pl owned by redacted-o9 in Garfield, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 29 Irving Pl, Garfield, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0221_91_29

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 29 Irving Pl, Garfield, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 91, Lot: 29
Assessment (2023): $502,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,735
Area: 1402.44 acres
Perimeter: 7.39 miles
Population 2020: 32655
Pop Density 2020: 14902/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Garfield whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.874973707284-74.1016111106720221_91_3911 Irving Plredacted-o8$201,200$6,601
40.874983162207-74.100961546940221_92_1222 Irving Plredacted-o8$634,600$20,821
40.875059687163-74.1015357875760221_91_3717 Irving Plredacted-o8$295,000$9,678
40.875081196078-74.1004596175540221_92_3069-71 Gaston Averedacted-o8$658,900$21,618
40.875115273162-74.1008485450160221_92_1026 Irving Plredacted-o8$627,900$20,601
40.875172841937-74.1014398398090221_91_3519 Irving Plredacted-o8$395,000$12,959
40.87522768019-74.1007523093270221_92_928 Irving Plredacted-o8$621,700$20,397
40.875287504888-74.1013419920650221_91_3321 Irving Plredacted-o8$413,200$13,557
40.87529172467-74.1017732240490221_91_1322 Morrell Plredacted-o8$605,300$19,859
40.875378238656-74.1006235389910221_92_534 Irving Plredacted-o8$240,700$7,897
40.875405414321-74.1012412647050221_91_3127 Irving Plredacted-o8$503,400$16,516
40.875466568541-74.1016236770990221_91_1024 Morrell Plredacted-o8$227,000$7,447
40.87552133756-74.1011423711850221_91_2929 Irving Plredacted-o8$502,900$16,500
40.875528563265-74.1004948005480221_92_338 Irving Plredacted-o8$377,000$12,369
40.875641346989-74.1014735587290221_91_732 Morrell Plredacted-o8$605,700$19,873
40.875658110632-74.1004236853480221_92_144 Irving Plredacted-o8$499,400$16,385
40.875661043236-74.1010230455570221_91_2637 Irving Plredacted-o8$318,000$10,433
40.875763207012-74.1013696991790221_91_634 Morrell Plredacted-o8$273,600$8,976
40.875776445775-74.1009245222730221_91_2539 Irving Plredacted-o8$37,500$1,230
40.875868172143-74.1008471375530221_91_2343 Irving Plredacted-o8$292,100$9,583
40.875878255683-74.1012705427510221_91_338 Morrell Plredacted-o8$330,500$10,843
40.876008275104-74.1018005087830221_90_2735 Morrell Plredacted-o8$276,200$9,062
40.876018603881-74.1011512325780221_91_144 Morrell Plredacted-o8$257,000$8,432

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