// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 139 Frederick St owned by redacted-o9 in Garfield, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 139 Frederick St, Garfield, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0221_63_17

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 139 Frederick St, Garfield, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 63, Lot: 17
Assessment (2023): $192,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,735
Area: 1402.44 acres
Perimeter: 7.39 miles
Population 2020: 32655
Pop Density 2020: 14902/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Garfield whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.873616381536-74.1016599524150221_63_625 Gaston Averedacted-o8$427,700$14,032
40.873649909619-74.1019009201220221_63_29140 Sherman Plredacted-o8$181,800$5,964
40.873693131271-74.1010196529280221_60_1738 Gaston Averedacted-o8$450,000$14,764
40.873754131754-74.101578256970221_63_931 Gaston Averedacted-o8$52,300$1,715
40.873756742805-74.1018759677990221_63_27142 Sherman Plredacted-o8$236,500$7,835
40.873808072701-74.1009221636030221_60_2042 Gaston Averedacted-o8$183,100$6,007
40.873843503881-74.101512103440221_63_1133 Gaston Averedacted-o8$249,700$8,192
40.873891961424-74.1008517939750221_60_2146 Gaston Averedacted-o8$517,900$16,992
40.873898740923-74.1018341839380221_63_25152 Sherman Plredacted-o8$255,000$8,366
40.873924638432-74.1014799790850221_63_1235 Gaston Averedacted-o8$211,900$6,952
40.874014514779-74.1012658156410221_63_13131 Frederick Stredacted-o8$286,200$9,390
40.874044900444-74.1018053136860221_63_23156 Sherman Plredacted-o8$414,100$13,586
40.874066933148-74.1013725216810221_63_15135 Frederick Stredacted-o8$170,500$5,594
40.874103565198-74.1014453396570221_63_16137 Frederick Stredacted-o8$220,900$7,247
40.874141778295-74.1015276618050221_63_17139 Frederick Stredacted-o8$192,700$6,322
40.874183637576-74.1016086348820221_63_18141 Frederick Stredacted-o8$220,400$7,231
40.87423577598-74.1017186004860221_63_19145 Frederick Stredacted-o8$271,700$8,914
40.874355040127-74.1010900160120221_92_4347 Gaston Averedacted-o8$400,200$13,130
40.87446192141-74.1009960558450221_92_4151 Gaston Averedacted-o8$513,800$16,857
40.874483107338-74.1013902049530221_92_21144 Frederick Stredacted-o8$224,000$7,349
40.874540919673-74.1021960332890221_64_30161 Sherman Plredacted-o8$196,500$6,447
40.874564462651-74.1013193922480221_92_206 Irving Plredacted-o8$248,100$8,140
40.874569450283-74.1009028342820221_92_3955 Gaston Averedacted-o8$512,300$16,808
40.874634586842-74.1012595247620221_92_198 Irving Plredacted-o8$240,700$7,897
40.874673635694-74.1008125248060221_92_3757 Gaston Averedacted-o8$299,700$9,833

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