// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 139 Lincoln Pl owned by redacted-o9 in Garfield, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 139 Lincoln Pl, Garfield, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0221_57_26

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 139 Lincoln Pl, Garfield, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 57, Lot: 26
Assessment (2023): $340,300
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,735
Area: 1402.44 acres
Perimeter: 7.39 miles
Population 2020: 32655
Pop Density 2020: 14902/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Garfield whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.869759665586-74.1032460516210221_38.06_12122 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$311,100$10,207
40.869801387299-74.1041667512820221_57_51172 Midland Averedacted-o8$515,000$16,897
40.869806788887-74.103813488260221_57_36123 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$273,300$8,966
40.869862706671-74.1032325660020221_38.06_14128 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$330,900$10,856
40.86992950169-74.1037969962020221_57_33127 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$68,200$2,237
40.869943070687-74.1041459609940221_57_53180 Midland Averedacted-o8$410,000$13,452
40.870019188648-74.1032019499840221_38.06_16134 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$298,200$9,783
40.870065851222-74.1037365419460221_57_30131 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$307,400$10,085
40.870092334287-74.1040844050390221_57_55184 Midland Averedacted-o8$556,600$18,262
40.87019281405-74.1037617087290221_57_28137 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$288,400$9,462
40.870219215158-74.1041096096540221_57_60188 Midland Averedacted-o8$225,400$7,395
40.870269629427-74.1037515998310221_57_26139 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$340,300$11,165
40.870328025083-74.1040952391770221_57_63192 Midland Averedacted-o8$519,000$17,028
40.870330993938-74.1031713056840221_38.02_1140 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$270,700
40.870407282979-74.103733467320221_57_22145 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$385,000$12,631
40.870447289249-74.1040794858940221_57_66202 Midland Averedacted-o8$375,600$12,323
40.870470878679-74.1031536761170221_38.02_3144 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$240,700$7,897
40.870537605305-74.1037161347930221_57_21147 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$35,600$1,168
40.870537658719-74.1040675219130221_57_67204 Midland Averedacted-o8$240,900$7,903
40.870611138516-74.1040578193250221_57_68206 Midland Averedacted-o8$269,100$8,829
40.870635656963-74.1037033327410221_57_19151 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$278,700$9,144
40.87067285178-74.1031302782520221_38.02_6148 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$253,500$8,317
40.870737178179-74.1040412505270221_57_69208 Midland Averedacted-o8$530,300$17,399
40.870753713865-74.1036878035030221_57_17153 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$157,100$5,154
40.870773829757-74.1031170958590221_38.02_8150 Lincoln Plredacted-o8$177,800$5,833

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