// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 315 Mac Arthur Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Garfield, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 315 Mac Arthur Ave, Garfield, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0221_122_16

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 315 Mac Arthur Ave, Garfield, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 122, Lot: 16
Assessment (2023): $475,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 6,735
Area: 1402.44 acres
Perimeter: 7.39 miles
Population 2020: 32655
Pop Density 2020: 14902/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Garfield whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.877252089963-74.0966451852240221_97_3114 Elizabeth Stredacted-o8$147,100$4,826
40.877288502663-74.0967279052650221_97_4112 Elizabeth Stredacted-o8$149,300$4,898
40.877291063807-74.0969684905890221_97_8.02206 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$260,600$8,550
40.877401876601-74.0958301241630221_123_24129 Elizabeth Stredacted-o8$297,700$9,767
40.877413550302-74.0969030192020221_97_8.01208 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$327,200$10,735
40.877502324448-74.0959243785870221_123_26314 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$265,100$8,697
40.877508389842-74.0963633576540221_122_18.02305 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$321,000$10,532
40.877634070699-74.0964474035540221_122_20119 Elizabeth Stredacted-o8$241,300$7,917
40.877634287026-74.0962809967870221_122_18.01309 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$245,300$8,048
40.87764593539-74.0957625419590221_123_29316 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$251,400$8,248
40.877680049566-74.0965683489040221_122_21117 Elizabeth Stredacted-o8$345,900$11,348
40.877710098113-74.0957213971870221_123_30318 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$234,600$7,697
40.877756673779-74.0967680805560221_122_23111 Elizabeth Stredacted-o8$356,300$11,690
40.877800394857-74.0962745055270221_122_16315 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$475,700$15,607
40.877859507318-74.0956236353140221_123_32320 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$538,900$17,681
40.877893379215-74.0962135537190221_122_15317 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$241,700$7,930
40.877896714836-74.0966264173180221_122_26222 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$214,200$7,027
40.877986991399-74.0961521041120221_122_13321 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$211,400$6,936
40.878001193809-74.0965571834090221_122_27226 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$456,300$14,971
40.878109229222-74.0960721482280221_122_11325 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$248,200$8,143
40.878154090332-74.0964558755750221_122_30230 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$284,100$9,321
40.878233551587-74.0959939715220221_122_9329 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$250,300$7,962
40.878263856412-74.0969847943490221_121_13221 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$207,500$6,808
40.878298761199-74.0963642896370221_122_32234 Malcolm Averedacted-o8$266,300$8,737
40.878341748534-74.0959076773840221_122_8333 Mac Arthur Averedacted-o8$312,100$10,240

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