// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 2130 Center Ave. owned by redacted-o9 in Fort Lee Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 2130 Center Ave., Fort Lee Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0219_5952_1

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 2130 Center Ave., Fort Lee Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 5952, Lot: 1
Assessment (2023): $366,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,606
Area: 1606.18 acres
Perimeter: 8.90 miles
Population 2020: 40191
Pop Density 2020: 16014/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Fort Lee Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.856471615918-73.9698504043160219_5951_24301 Bridge Plaza No.redacted-o8$3,800,000$94,012
40.855963470416-73.9691722293010219_5952_12130 Center Ave.redacted-o8$366,500$9,067
40.856228904776-73.9688955248310219_5952_22150 Center Ave.redacted-o8$33,500,000$825,790
40.856510610773-73.9686820991410219_5952_3_C005N2160 Center Ave. #5nredacted-o8$236,000$5,838
40.855633287635-73.9685664725960219_5952_13_C002A201 Bridge Plaza No. #2aredacted-o8$138,000$3,414
40.855650354525-73.9685548473820219_5952_13_C002B201 Bridge Plaza No. #2bredacted-o8$138,000$3,414
40.855667421407-73.9685432217610219_5952_13_C002C201 Bridge Plaza No. #2credacted-o8$90,000$2,226
40.855684488303-73.9685315966090219_5952_13_C002D201 Bridge Plaza No. #2dredacted-o8$90,000$2,226
40.855701555189-73.9685199713770219_5952_13_C002E201 Bridge Plaza No. #2eredacted-o8$90,000$2,226
40.855614372874-73.9685183060760219_5952_13_C003A201 Bridge Plaza No. #3aredacted-o8$140,000$3,463
40.85571862191-73.9685083456890219_5952_13_C002F201 Bridge Plaza No. #2fredacted-o8
40.855631439913-73.9685066807680219_5952_13_C003B201 Bridge Plaza No. #3bredacted-o8$140,000$3,463
40.855587808168-73.9685057337660219_5952_13_CCOM1185 Bridge Plaza No.redacted-o8$5,461,500$135,117
40.855735688649-73.9684967206040219_5952_13_C002G201 Bridge Plaza No. #2gredacted-o8$90,000$2,226
40.85564850695-73.9684950554540219_5952_13_C003C201 Bridge Plaza No. #3credacted-o8$92,000$2,276
40.855752755525-73.9684850949530219_5952_13_C002H201 Bridge Plaza No. #2hredacted-o8$90,000$2,226
40.85566557352-73.9684834296620219_5952_13_C003D201 Bridge Plaza No. #3dredacted-o8$92,000$2,276
40.855769822414-73.9684734697710219_5952_13_C002J201 Bridge Plaza No. #2jredacted-o8$90,000$2,226
40.855682640412-73.9684718050880219_5952_13_C003E201 Bridge Plaza No. #3eredacted-o8$92,000$2,276
40.855595458552-73.9684701396560219_5952_13_C004A201 Bridge Plaza No. #4aredacted-o8$142,000$3,513
40.855786889294-73.9684618445090219_5952_13_C002K201 Bridge Plaza No. #2kredacted-o8$90,000$2,226
40.85569970698-73.9684601792840219_5952_13_C003F201 Bridge Plaza No. #3fredacted-o8$140,000$3,463
40.855612525585-73.9684585143380219_5952_13_C004B201 Bridge Plaza No. #4bredacted-o8$142,000$3,513
40.855716774012-73.9684485539460219_5952_13_C003G201 Bridge Plaza No. #3gredacted-o8$92,000$2,276

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