// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1119 Abbott Blvd. owned by redacted-o9 in Fort Lee Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1119 Abbott Blvd., Fort Lee Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0219_1252_25

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1119 Abbott Blvd., Fort Lee Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 1252, Lot: 25
Assessment (2023): $556,600
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 9,606
Area: 1606.18 acres
Perimeter: 8.90 miles
Population 2020: 40191
Pop Density 2020: 16014/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Fort Lee Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.836845819602-73.9820275448150219_1251_241113 Edgewood Laneredacted-o8$394,800$9,767
40.836976299737-73.9819714552410219_1251_231115 Edgewood Laneredacted-o8$467,500$11,565
40.835968853178-73.9818842008820219_1252_21094 Edgewood Laneredacted-o8$446,000$10,784
40.836083439796-73.9818448085730219_1252_31098 Edgewood Laneredacted-o8$489,000$12,097
40.836209128057-73.9817908338660219_1252_41100 Edgewood Laneredacted-o8$443,700$10,727
40.83634103159-73.9817393357520219_1252_51106 Edgewood Laneredacted-o8$366,200$9,059
40.836472428657-73.9816857782090219_1252_61110 Edgewood Laneredacted-o8$483,300$11,956
40.836602915289-73.9816297897660219_1252_71112 Edgewood Laneredacted-o8$767,200$18,980
40.836733353874-73.9815738688950219_1252_81118 Edgewood Laneredacted-o8$398,000$9,846
40.836863774315-73.9815177495650219_1252_91126 Edgewood Laneredacted-o8$434,700$10,754
40.836032565979-73.9814801317990219_1252_281107 Abbott Blvd.redacted-o8$547,800$13,552
40.836164533213-73.9814303606540219_1252_271111 Abbott Blvd.redacted-o8$533,500$13,198
40.836296476904-73.981380554860219_1252_261115 Abbott Blvd.redacted-o8$411,100$10,170
40.836430491548-73.9813279874720219_1252_251119 Abbott Blvd.redacted-o8$556,600$13,770
40.836569747138-73.9812727589270219_1252_241125 Abbott Blvd.redacted-o8$536,200$13,265
40.836712964824-73.981215846290219_1252_231129 Abbott Blvd.redacted-o8$876,100$21,674
40.836860185427-73.9811573540750219_1252_221131 Abbott Blvd.redacted-o8$702,400$17,377
40.835918154022-73.9807048934850219_1253_11124 Abbott Blvd.redacted-o8$451,100$11,160
40.836049834656-73.9806605327530219_1253_21126 Abbott Blvd.redacted-o8$801,300$19,824
40.836178170425-73.980610343470219_1253_31128 Abbott Blvd.redacted-o8$552,500$13,668

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