// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 413 Cliff St owned by redacted-o9 in Fairview Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 413 Cliff St, Fairview Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0218_417_38

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 413 Cliff St, Fairview Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 417, Lot: 38
Assessment (2023): $499,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,851
Area: 540.702 acres
Perimeter: 4.23 miles
Population 2020: 15025
Pop Density 2020: 17784/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Fairview Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.81846958258-73.9967541824810218_304_7319 6th Stredacted-o8$433,400$9,799
40.818566300028-73.9965116848560218_304_6410 Cliff Stredacted-o8$443,600$10,029
40.818584091256-73.9970701884740218_304_18316 7th Streetredacted-o8$1,265,600$28,615
40.818601146561-73.9965867471070218_304_5412 Cliff Streetredacted-o8$413,600$9,351
40.818635071686-73.995653596070218_417_35395 Cliff Stredacted-o8$595,200$13,457
40.818639750572-73.9966615189810218_304_4414 Cliff Stredacted-o8$722,100$16,326
40.818674560861-73.9957206603120218_417_36397 Cliff Stredacted-o8$500,000$11,305
40.818677771784-73.9967306252070218_304_3416 Cliff Stredacted-o8$384,800
40.818698805257-73.9958137813390218_417_37399 Cliff Streetredacted-o8$484,500$10,954
40.818735261896-73.9968431716390218_304_2418 Cliff Stredacted-o8$560,900$12,681
40.818811557985-73.9969845016070218_304_1422 Cliff Stredacted-o8$900,000$20,349
40.818967179156-73.9959590163530218_417_4401-411 Cliff Stredacted-o8$5,385,600
40.819009509231-73.9963558797090218_417_38413 Cliff Stredacted-o8$499,900$11,302
40.819063869447-73.9964618379160218_417_39417 Cliff Stredacted-o8$466,900$10,556
40.819100562478-73.9965347127070218_417_40419 Cliff Streetredacted-o8$606,300$13,708
40.819160720794-73.9966532041650218_417_41336-338 7th Stredacted-o8$970,000$21,931
40.819231338066-73.9961535841280218_417_3414-6 Jersey Averedacted-o8$658,600$14,890
40.819300654998-73.9962619212930218_417_2_C000A418a Jersey Averedacted-o8$543,800$12,295
40.81931475465-73.9969419674380218_416_11333 7th Stredacted-o8$2,012,100$45,493
40.819333378384-73.9963260458850218_417_2_C000B420b Jersey Averedacted-o8$534,800$12,091
40.819367490535-73.9970422924640218_416_12435 Cliff Stredacted-o8$504,700$11,411
40.819382308298-73.9964526165620218_417_1422 Jersey Avenueredacted-o8$554,500$12,537
40.819466777151-73.9956542410790218_414_43409 Jersey Averedacted-o8$467,900$10,579
40.819506625843-73.9957261374270218_414_44411 Jersey Averedacted-o8$449,200$10,156
40.819534461952-73.9967386904290218_416_10343-345 7th Stredacted-o8$905,600$20,475
40.819544984871-73.9958001286820218_414_45413 Jersey Averedacted-o8$582,800$13,177

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