// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 383 Mc Kinley St owned by redacted-o9 in Fairview Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 383 Mc Kinley St, Fairview Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0218_331_26

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 383 Mc Kinley St, Fairview Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 331, Lot: 26
Assessment (2023): $479,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,851
Area: 540.702 acres
Perimeter: 4.23 miles
Population 2020: 15025
Pop Density 2020: 17784/sq-mi

27 neighbors in Fairview Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.813798003881-73.9993580495960218_203_7374 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$329,400$7,447
40.813840376009-74.0000671565550218_203_17391 Henry Stredacted-o8$1,527,500$34,536
40.813856426565-73.9994689797690218_203_6376 Mc Kinley Streetredacted-o8$524,000$11,597
40.813933069137-73.9996127407070218_203_5382 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$498,200$11,264
40.813940326278-73.9987017068320218_331_21.01365 Mc Kinley St.redacted-o8$527,300$11,922
40.81398103272-73.9987764859950218_331_21.02367 Mc Kinley St.redacted-o8$370,600$8,379
40.814010485316-73.9997588842560218_203_4386 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$455,400$10,296
40.814038779214-73.9988833239090218_331_22369 Mc Kinley St.redacted-o8$644,000$14,560
40.814077530217-73.9998836200920218_203_3390 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$395,900$8,701
40.814097297959-73.9989942298680218_331_23373 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$398,500$9,010
40.814131793239-73.9999881320930218_203_2394 Mc Kinley Streetredacted-o8$479,300$10,836
40.814233693642-73.9992506056420218_331_25381 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$479,800$10,848
40.814266980224-73.9987020319080218_331_8374 Kennedy Drredacted-o8$453,900$10,262
40.81429231965-73.9993581366270218_331_26383 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$479,400$10,839
40.814326873375-73.9988119384670218_331_7380 Kennedy Drredacted-o8$410,500$9,281
40.814338831974-73.9994472403330218_331_27385 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$458,400$10,364
40.814384602486-73.9989234623140218_331_6386 Kennedy Drredacted-o8$468,200$10,586
40.814398195915-73.9995595436140218_331_28387 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$530,900$12,003
40.814442056012-73.9990294018110218_331_5388 Kennedy Driveredacted-o8$741,900$16,774
40.814450700238-73.9996584639770218_331_29.01391 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$679,800$15,370
40.814508146502-73.9997601917370218_331_29.02395 Mc Kinley Stredacted-o8$608,700$13,762
40.814509621298-73.9991566885030218_331_4390 Kennedy Driveredacted-o8$380,400$8,600
40.814579266727-73.9992863701170218_331_3394 Kennedy Driveredacted-o8$447,400$10,115
40.814646317965-74.0000476096080218_330_13129-131 6th Stredacted-o8$843,000$19,060
40.814647686278-73.999415442740218_331_2398 Kennedy Dr.redacted-o8$408,800$9,242
40.814724538082-73.9995563533120218_331_1402 Kennedy Drredacted-o8$443,600$10,029
40.814807896489-73.9987134046670218_326_28385 Kennedy Drredacted-o8$463,600$10,482

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