// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 369 N Woodland St owned by redacted-o9 in Englewood Cliffs Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 369 N Woodland St, Englewood Cliffs Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0216_1001_4

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 369 N Woodland St, Englewood Cliffs Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 1001, Lot: 4
Assessment (): $0.00
Geometry: not available, map shows region

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,170
Area: 1332.37 acres
Perimeter: 7.82 miles
Population 2020: 5342
Pop Density 2020: 2566/sq-mi

39 neighbors on block 1001 in Englewood Cliffs Borough

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.895946165034-73.9521923687670216_1001_12 Johnson Averedacted-o8$1,576,500$17,987
0216_1001_2353 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_3361 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_4369 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_5377 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_6385 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_7393 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_8401 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_9409 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_10417 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_11423 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_12433 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_13441 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_14445 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_15455 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_16465 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_17477 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_18481 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
0216_1001_19495 N Woodland Stredacted-o8
40.900642762117-73.949128691540216_1001_2074 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$2,803,500$31,987
40.900320690317-73.9493116314120216_1001_2170 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$2,660,000$30,100
40.900069997968-73.9494514322830216_1001_2266 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$1,747,700$20,452
40.899818619716-73.9495899031970216_1001_2360 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$3,150,000$35,941
40.899567914465-73.9497295814180216_1001_2458 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$2,272,500$25,929
40.899315575976-73.9498717672710216_1001_2554 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$1,620,100$18,485
40.899063852598-73.9500132504850216_1001_2652 Roberts Rd.redacted-o8$2,000,000$22,820
40.89881368413-73.9501556332430216_1001_2750 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$1,151,500$13,138
40.898563141771-73.950296797220216_1001_2844 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$2,100,000$23,961
40.898312710122-73.9504384763910216_1001_2940 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$2,483,100$28,332
40.898061938297-73.9505781607790216_1001_3036 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$3,093,700$35,299
40.897809265913-73.9507163769140216_1001_3130 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$3,388,400$38,661
40.897556775998-73.9508534577610216_1001_3226 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$2,233,000$25,478
40.89730501984-73.9509895516760216_1001_3322 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$2,850,000$32,518
40.89705283194-73.9511269277790216_1001_3416 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$1,271,700$14,510
40.896773806177-73.9512861048550216_1001_3514 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$1,221,000$13,931
40.89645534147-73.9514051020990216_1001_3610 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$1,750,000$19,967
40.896270873704-73.9512653304420216_1001_378 Roberts Rdredacted-o8$126,600
40.896023645003-73.9512288088760216_1001_384 Roberts Roadredacted-o8$1,260,300$14,380
40.896023936762-73.9517311685490216_1001_394 Johnson Averedacted-o8$1,483,800$16,930

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