// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 1112-14 River Road #304 owned by redacted-o9 in Edgewater Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 1112-14 River Road #304, Edgewater Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0213_32_5_C0304

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 1112-14 River Road #304, Edgewater Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 32, Lot: 5, QCode: C0304
Assessment (2023): $445,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,562
Area: 620.098 acres
Perimeter: 10.06 miles
Population 2020: 14336
Pop Density 2020: 14796/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Edgewater Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.832361255747-73.9730703808560213_34_56Route No 5 Eastredacted-o8$2,400
40.832854048643-73.9729907268470213_32_5_C0201101 Route 5redacted-o8$540,900$8,638
40.832903812173-73.9729827085880213_32_5_C0202101 Route 5redacted-o8$509,000$8,128
40.833048648275-73.9729785903330213_32_5_C0205101 Route 5redacted-o8$466,400$7,448
40.832950884059-73.9729741133920213_32_5_C0203101 Route 5redacted-o8$517,500$8,264
40.832997112117-73.9729645245940213_32_5_C0204101 Route 5redacted-o8$448,100$7,156
40.833040419049-73.9729305700510213_32_5_C0206101 Route 5redacted-o8$449,700$7,181
40.832359808387-73.9729168129260213_34_4195 State Highway 5redacted-o8$269,600$4,305
40.833200337074-73.9728787928210213_32_2.02State Highwayredacted-o8$690,400$11,025
40.83274793534-73.9728412473540213_32_5_C03051110 River Roadredacted-o8$486,100$7,763
40.83279551485-73.9728338005730213_32_5_C03041112-14 River Road #304redacted-o8$445,400$7,113
40.832842654407-73.9728259905510213_32_5_C03031112-14 River Roadredacted-o8$466,600$7,451
40.832891272823-73.9728175548590213_32_5_C0302101 Route 5redacted-o8$477,600$7,627
40.832938790424-73.9728077030840213_32_5_C03011112-14 River Road #301redacted-o8$497,300$7,941
40.832250710685-73.9727542094290213_34_35_C04021100 River Road #402redacted-o8$322,000$5,142
40.83245468207-73.9726838796060213_32_31106-08 River Roadredacted-o8$685,700$10,700
40.832640760691-73.9726393840120213_32_5_C01011110 River Roadredacted-o8$401,400$6,410
40.8326882503-73.9726362741240213_32_5_C01021110 River Roadredacted-o8$387,100$6,181
40.832736287621-73.9726328312940213_32_5_C01031110 River Road #103redacted-o8$368,300$5,881
40.832784413892-73.972629213970213_32_5_C01041110 River Road #104redacted-o8$374,500$5,980
40.832833008805-73.9726261256090213_32_5_C01051110 River Roadredacted-o8$404,000$6,451
40.832969541423-73.9726220680310213_32_2.011122 River Roadredacted-o8$507,900$8,111
40.833101670124-73.9726022297550213_32_41124 River Roadredacted-o8$566,600$9,048
40.833338734306-73.9724852763250213_32_1.01_C004J1150 River Road #4jredacted-o8$462,900$7,392

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