// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 7 Annett Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Edgewater Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 7 Annett Avenue, Edgewater Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0213_1_1_C007A

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 7 Annett Avenue, Edgewater Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 1, Lot: 1, QCode: C007A
Assessment (2023): $248,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 4,562
Area: 620.098 acres
Perimeter: 10.06 miles
Population 2020: 14336
Pop Density 2020: 14796/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Edgewater Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.843666690187-73.9679109270210213_7_3_C00B25 Yorkview Driveredacted-o8$641,500$10,244
40.843871500714-73.9678952476240213_7_1.02_C14521452 River Roadredacted-o8$742,200$11,852
40.843625904719-73.9678439254890213_7_3_C00B13 Yorkview Drive #b1redacted-o8$642,800$10,265
40.843585148097-73.9677756101920213_7_3_C00A11 Yorkview Drive #a1redacted-o8$637,700$10,184
40.843767026913-73.9676976649310213_7_1.011448-1450 River Roadredacted-o8$1,153,000$18,413
40.843179415542-73.9676679177570213_1_41441 River Roadredacted-o8$347,300$5,546
40.84391473607-73.9675495602020213_6_22.051462a River Roadredacted-o8$906,400$14,475
40.843340311832-73.9674762463660213_1_1_C005A5 Annett Avenueredacted-o8$960,300$15,335
40.843070594494-73.9673992433720213_1_1_C014V14 Vista Laneredacted-o8$632,200$10,096
40.843460139835-73.9672322493510213_1_1_C007A7 Annett Avenueredacted-o8$248,700$3,971
40.843711889036-73.9671291695380213_1_1_C002A2 Annett Avenueredacted-o8$950,000$15,171
40.843070672852-73.9670830656910213_1_1_C009A9 Annett Avenueredacted-o8$1,206,000$19,259
40.843355738355-73.9669985761470213_1_1_C001S1 Shore Roadredacted-o8
40.843446829189-73.9668642854290213_1_1_C011A11 Annett Avenueredacted-o8$871,700$13,921
40.843777827852-73.9668422711060213_1_1_C004A4 Annett Avenueredacted-o8$254,600$4,065
40.843072922884-73.9668122455430213_1_1_C003S3 Shore Roadredacted-o8$1,029,800$16,445
40.843927641339-73.966663202420213_1_1_C006A6 Annett Avenueredacted-o8$877,700$14,016
40.843474069839-73.9666554205110213_1_1_C015A15 Annett Avenueredacted-o8$756,300$12,078
40.843022179138-73.96658866150213_1_1_C004S4 Shore Roadredacted-o8$199,700$3,189

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