// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 4 Sabo Court owned by redacted-o9 in Elmwood Park Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 4 Sabo Court, Elmwood Park Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0211_805_28

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 4 Sabo Court, Elmwood Park Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 805, Lot: 28
Assessment (2023): $441,900
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,418
Area: 1750.95 acres
Perimeter: 7.48 miles
Population 2020: 21422
Pop Density 2020: 7830/sq-mi

24 neighbors in Elmwood Park Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.908830352684-74.115228699370211_805_3647 Spruce Streetredacted-o8$307,900$9,212
40.908918268452-74.1149930576390211_805_35_C00019 Main Averedacted-o8$385,900$11,546
40.908937822973-74.1149161746090211_805_35_C000211 Main Averedacted-o8$387,100$11,582
40.90893887755-74.1149838871290211_805_359 Main Averedacted-o8
40.908984076396-74.1147895609740211_805_3415 Main Avenueredacted-o8$311,100$9,058
40.909018213855-74.1153150924820211_805_3741 Spruce Streetredacted-o8$349,200$10,448
40.909027432619-74.1146156039520211_805_33.0319 Main Avenueredacted-o8$424,000$12,686
40.90907514406-74.1144467234250211_805_33.0225 Main Avenueredacted-o8$463,900$13,879
40.909154477578-74.114169932760211_805_33.0129 Main Avenueredacted-o8$521,000$15,588
40.909177545586-74.1153873873130211_805_3835 Spruce Streetredacted-o8$264,500$7,663
40.909178829938-74.1150583181610211_805_272 Sabo Courtredacted-o8$437,000$13,075
40.909264023955-74.1148303835610211_805_284 Sabo Courtredacted-o8$441,900$13,221
40.909320060059-74.1154533898140211_805_3931 Spruce Streetredacted-o8$290,800$8,700
40.909323279162-74.114652947570211_805_296 Sabo Courtredacted-o8$414,700$12,407
40.909370059942-74.1144811026580211_805_308 Sabo Courtredacted-o8$385,800$11,543
40.909374388543-74.1141981592060211_805_32322 East 54th Streetredacted-o8$403,500$12,072
40.909462896276-74.115518248590211_805_4027 Spruce Streetredacted-o8$467,300$13,981
40.909512490629-74.1142505269560211_805_31318 East 54th Streetredacted-o8$395,600$11,836
40.909618085854-74.1153029827090211_805_201 Sabo Courtredacted-o8$395,000$11,818
40.909667889576-74.1151221256360211_805_213 Sabo Courtredacted-o8$523,600$15,666
40.909702277899-74.1149470068240211_805_225 Sabo Courtredacted-o8$389,600$11,656
40.909751676602-74.1147732228410211_805_237 Sabo Courtredacted-o8$395,400$11,830
40.909796976144-74.1143116072140211_805_2611 Sabo Courtredacted-o8$387,500
40.909798321726-74.1145988366980211_805_249 Sabo Courtredacted-o8$400,400$11,979

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