// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 133 Fleetwood Road owned by redacted-o9 in Dumont Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 133 Fleetwood Road, Dumont Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0210_405_5

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 133 Fleetwood Road, Dumont Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 405, Lot: 5
Assessment (2023): $287,500
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,281
Area: 1252.16 acres
Perimeter: 6.55 miles
Population 2020: 17863
Pop Density 2020: 9130/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Dumont Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.945533767972-74.0024053628230210_405_21300 Manhattan Terrredacted-o8$293,200$11,625
40.945536605584-74.0022478070040210_405_20286 Manhattan Terrredacted-o8$251,400$9,968
40.945545755647-74.0020285774050210_405_19282 Manhattan Terracredacted-o8$402,600$15,963
40.945557629134-74.0017447206550210_405_18280 Manhattan Terrredacted-o8$400,200$15,867
40.945565870641-74.0015224740920210_405_17272 Manhattan Terrredacted-o8$290,100$11,502
40.945570868331-74.0013448138720210_405_16264 Manhattan Terrredacted-o8$273,500$10,844
40.945578122885-74.0011865932880210_405_15260 Manhattan Terrredacted-o8$224,300$8,893
40.945819180084-74.0023390426730210_405_2145 Fleetwood Roadredacted-o8$349,900$13,873
40.945826063911-74.002167108890210_405_3141 Fleetwoodredacted-o8$292,800$11,609
40.945829463179-74.001988988170210_405_4137 Fleetwoodredacted-o8$240,000$9,516
40.945835356023-74.0018107393760210_405_5133 Fleetwood Roadredacted-o8$287,500$11,399
40.945841038187-74.0016354581820210_405_6129 Fleetwoodredacted-o8$237,900$9,432
40.945844755288-74.0014573942840210_405_7125 Fleetwoodredacted-o8$243,300$9,646
40.945849471812-74.0012741415620210_405_8121 Fleetwood Roadredacted-o8$284,500$11,280
40.94585737094-74.0010937047440210_405_9117 Fleetwoodredacted-o8$247,900$9,829
40.946169410741-74.002120511660210_404_20301 Prospectredacted-o8$316,400$12,295
40.946276956049-74.0018436658050210_404_19134 Fleetwoodredacted-o8$264,500$10,487
40.946281404395-74.0016743180760210_404_18130 Fleetwoodredacted-o8$261,000$10,348
40.946286296365-74.0015062400620210_404_17126 Fleetwoodredacted-o8$239,100$9,480
40.946291469893-74.0013383290330210_404_16122 Fleetwoodredacted-o8$342,700$13,588
40.94629560991-74.0021176671380210_404_21305 Prospectredacted-o8$238,200$9,444
40.946296377743-74.0011682585060210_404_15118 Fleetwoodredacted-o8$252,100$9,745

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