// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 163 Druid Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Dumont Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 163 Druid Ave, Dumont Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0210_1002_3

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 163 Druid Ave, Dumont Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 1002, Lot: 3
Assessment (2023): $362,700
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 5,281
Area: 1252.16 acres
Perimeter: 6.55 miles
Population 2020: 17863
Pop Density 2020: 9130/sq-mi

20 neighbors in Dumont Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.944837292999-73.9862155879610210_1002_13146 Virginia Averedacted-o8$283,000$11,220
40.944845261419-73.9860192858230210_1002_12152 Virginia Averedacted-o8$264,700$10,495
40.944856659019-73.9858385936550210_1002_11156 Virginia Averedacted-o8$336,800$13,354
40.94486578025-73.9856553659570210_1002_10160 Virginia Averedacted-o8$322,800$12,799
40.944876606296-73.9854768795090210_1002_9164 Virginia Averedacted-o8$295,000$11,696
40.944885137783-73.9853054639460210_1002_15172 Virginia Averedacted-o8$359,500$14,254
40.944897707757-73.9850831698960210_1002_8180 Virginia Averedacted-o8$473,000$18,754
40.945041681975-73.9861446368850210_1002_14215 Howard Stredacted-o8$270,300$10,467
40.945110969801-73.9848759517470210_1002_6136 Pershing Stredacted-o8$338,800$13,433
40.945126703596-73.985818955110210_1002_2159 Druid Averedacted-o8$379,600$15,051
40.945139989051-73.9855483190270210_1002_3163 Druid Averedacted-o8$362,700$14,381
40.945156722935-73.9852360626030210_1002_4171 Druid Averedacted-o8$371,900$14,745
40.945180419098-73.9861569250470210_1002_1221 Howard Stredacted-o8$272,400$10,800
40.945246086633-73.9848885327280210_1002_5185 Druid Averedacted-o8$262,700$10,416
40.945517489304-73.9861268528980210_1001_13148 Druid Averedacted-o8$307,800$12,204
40.945525808837-73.9859250377810210_1001_12154 Druid Averedacted-o8$322,700$12,795
40.945536254117-73.9857419128830210_1001_11160 Druid Averedacted-o8$347,300$13,770
40.945547252429-73.9855167096360210_1001_10164 Druid Averedacted-o8$360,400$14,289
40.945573950749-73.9852030828950210_1001_9174 Druid Averedacted-o8$340,600$13,504
40.945580667068-73.9848844028640210_1001_8180 Druid Averedacted-o8$346,000$13,718

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