// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 306 Hackensack St owned by redacted-o9 in Carlstadt Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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PogoData - New Jersey Property Data
New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 306 Hackensack St, Carlstadt Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0205_75_9

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 306 Hackensack St, Carlstadt Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 75, Lot: 9
Assessment (2023): $760,100
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,372
Area: 2690.1 acres
Perimeter: 10.97 miles
Population 2020: 6372
Pop Density 2020: 1516/sq-mi

19 neighbors in Carlstadt Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.835746643258-74.0923109974620205_76_12301 Hackensack St.redacted-o8$755,800$12,432
40.835865292154-74.0922265640010205_76_11307 Hackensack Stredacted-o8$551,700$9,075
40.835948950582-74.0921412078020205_76_10309 Hackensack Stredacted-o8$516,500$8,496
40.836066075541-74.0921095952890205_76_9313 Hackensack St.redacted-o8$313,400$5,155
40.836081973234-74.0926902987850205_75_9306 Hackensack Stredacted-o8$760,100$12,503
40.836129246724-74.0929331061340205_75_11401 Hoboken Rdredacted-o8$187,500$3,084
40.836135866703-74.0920861768060205_76_8315 Hackensack Stredacted-o8$212,600$3,497
40.836190266396-74.0920484962230205_76_7317 Hackensack Stredacted-o8$287,600$4,731
40.836194081783-74.0926120015070205_75_8308 Hackensack Stredacted-o8$620,900$10,213
40.836220818137-74.0930588624330205_75_12411 Hoboken Rdredacted-o8$441,500$7,262
40.836267059728-74.0920270424960205_76_6319 Hackensack Stredacted-o8$587,500$9,664
40.836303702267-74.0932007530020205_75_13415 Hoboken Rdredacted-o8$375,500$6,176
40.836365238857-74.0926616280040205_75_6312 Hackensack Stredacted-o8$728,900$11,990
40.836402201187-74.0928122911170205_75_5410 Small St.redacted-o8$784,200$12,900
40.836485427203-74.0933584381060205_75_15307 Fourth Stredacted-o8$379,300$6,239
40.83650075471-74.0929820420610205_75_4414 Small Stredacted-o8$756,800$12,449
40.836582819625-74.0931145818650205_75_3416 Small Stredacted-o8$370,900$6,101
40.836593934809-74.0924148025650205_74_15320 Hackensack St.redacted-o8$948,800$15,607
40.836625673744-74.0932994525060205_75_2311 Fourth St.redacted-o8$475,400$7,820

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