// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 210 Oakwood Ave owned by redacted-o9 in Bogota Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 210 Oakwood Ave, Bogota Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0204_83_14

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 210 Oakwood Ave, Bogota Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 83, Lot: 14
Assessment (2023): $227,100
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 2,273
Area: 511.585 acres
Perimeter: 3.94 miles
Population 2020: 8778
Pop Density 2020: 10981/sq-mi

25 neighbors in Bogota Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.868730285648-74.0249745067420204_86_11194 Maplewood Averedacted-o8$283,100$12,156
40.868779167284-74.0236432054070204_82_18229 Maplewood Averedacted-o8$236,400$10,151
40.868824788356-74.0238088975140204_82_19223 Maplewood Averedacted-o8$282,200$12,117
40.868912068861-74.024113376420204_83_15217 Maplewood Averedacted-o8$231,600$9,944
40.86895100258-74.0242510284780204_83_16211 Maplewood Averedacted-o8$239,400$10,279
40.868988053824-74.0243870580630204_83_17207 Maplewood Averedacted-o8$230,800$9,910
40.869026202213-74.0245219980370204_83_18203 Maplewood Averedacted-o8$255,100$10,953
40.869063754054-74.0246569549250204_83_19199 Maplewood Averedacted-o8$247,700$10,636
40.869081870983-74.0236851004240204_82_1222 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$257,800$11,069
40.869099904898-74.0247979261140204_83_20195 Maplewood Averedacted-o8$242,500$10,412
40.869140309884-74.0249358378760204_83_21191 Maplewood Averedacted-o8$235,100$10,095
40.869168421297-74.0239902156540204_83_14.02220 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$243,800$10,468
40.869207273091-74.0241287155650204_83_14.01216 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$231,400$9,936
40.869245022236-74.0242657865220204_83_14210 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$227,100$9,751
40.869292587579-74.0244358805780204_83_13.01202 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$265,900$11,417
40.86933888804-74.0246054728150204_83_12.02198 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$297,400$12,770
40.869378078358-74.0247412707740204_83_12.01194 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$298,700$12,826
40.869417156487-74.02487767070204_83_11186 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$274,500$11,787
40.869537301532-74.0238143620650204_79_21217 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$234,300$10,060
40.869575419769-74.0239528089650204_79_22211 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$241,300$10,361
40.869613338155-74.0240872110260204_79_23207 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$240,200$10,314
40.869652310082-74.0242253415530204_79_24203 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$248,300$10,662
40.869689966128-74.0243622914320204_79_25199 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$242,400$10,408
40.869728118432-74.0244938786090204_79_26195 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$278,600$11,963
40.869763254687-74.0246281447330204_79_27191 Oakwood Averedacted-o8$222,700$9,562

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