// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 214 Harrington Street owned by redacted-o9 in Bergenfield Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 214 Harrington Street, Bergenfield Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0203_3_48

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 214 Harrington Street, Bergenfield Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 3, Lot: 48
Assessment (2023): $286,600
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 7,561
Area: 1860.23 acres
Perimeter: 8.08 miles
Population 2020: 28321
Pop Density 2020: 9744/sq-mi

22 neighbors in Bergenfield Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.933790210235-74.0096310059040203_3_45.01196 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$241,300$8,228
40.933799110061-74.0091233092340203_3_59193 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$257,800$8,790
40.933900006911-74.0096310430030203_3_45.02200 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$273,300$9,319
40.933902067225-74.009996877860203_3_38203 Woods Avenueredacted-o8$325,000$11,082
40.933908905414-74.0091230621330203_3_58203 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$259,400$8,845
40.934009792416-74.009631135830203_3_46202 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$259,600$8,602
40.934018700794-74.0091228147310203_3_57207 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$265,500$9,053
40.934121720671-74.009996633030203_3_37209 Woods Avenueredacted-o8$306,500$10,451
40.934147055455-74.0096312517860203_3_47210 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$331,500$11,304
40.934153383154-74.0091225494820203_3_56211 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$279,200$9,270
40.934298023408-74.0096313796220203_3_48214 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$286,600$9,773
40.934311384886-74.0091222802250203_3_55217 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$286,300$9,611
40.934314010836-74.0099978342580203_3_36217 Woods Avenueredacted-o8$299,900$10,226
40.934435269814-74.0096314844130203_3_49220 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$252,500$8,610
40.934465008897-74.0099991201830203_3_35223 Woods Avenueredacted-o8$290,200$9,895
40.934467835258-74.0091219483290203_3_54221 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$284,500$9,701
40.934586243265-74.0096316145970203_3_50226 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$275,100$9,380
40.934623105768-74.0100008426040203_3_34227 Woods Avenueredacted-o8$328,400$11,198
40.93462431041-74.0091216127740203_3_53225 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$291,100$9,676
40.934766600905-74.0096320210040203_3_51230 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$279,900$9,544
40.934780809028-74.0091211907540203_3_52229 Harrington Streetredacted-o8$323,800$11,041
40.93479068718-74.0100019380930203_3_33233 Woods Avenueredacted-o8$282,200$9,623

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