// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 95 Vreeland Avenue owned by redacted-o9 in Bergenfield Borough, Bergen County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 95 Vreeland Avenue, Bergenfield Borough, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0203_100_21

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 95 Vreeland Avenue, Bergenfield Borough, New Jersey
County: Bergen
Block: 100, Lot: 21
Assessment (2023): $293,400
Effective Flood Zone: X

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 7,561
Area: 1860.23 acres
Perimeter: 8.08 miles
Population 2020: 28321
Pop Density 2020: 9744/sq-mi

23 neighbors in Bergenfield Borough whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
40.925693040145-74.0076447434430203_101_25106 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$313,100$10,676
40.925698508492-74.0074667103630203_101_26100 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$333,700$11,379
40.925702318897-74.0072873562050203_101_2796 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$319,800$10,905
40.925706702359-74.0071056459570203_101_2892 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$214,400$7,311
40.925711003626-74.0069248767620203_101_2988 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$285,500$9,783
40.925715349853-74.0067453053030203_101_3084 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$302,500$10,315
40.925720335378-74.0065676670320203_101_3180 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$297,400$10,141
40.925723670185-74.0063878107780203_101_3276 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$308,200$10,509
40.926114103906-74.0076471602850203_100_24107 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$394,600
40.926121144272-74.0073781900520203_100_23101 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$327,400$11,164
40.926125883006-74.0071992442930203_100_2299 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$304,000$10,366
40.92613056768-74.0070247075350203_100_2195 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$293,400$10,004
40.926135274971-74.0068471082370203_100_2091 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$283,400$9,663
40.926141274227-74.0066220714520203_100_1985 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$450,000$15,345
40.926147248613-74.0063996726580203_100_1881 Vreeland Avenueredacted-o8$308,600$10,523
40.926391972391-74.0077095630620203_100_462 Reid Avenueredacted-o8$349,300$11,911
40.926396605052-74.0075315141950203_100_558 Reid Avenueredacted-o8$257,700$8,787
40.926401318319-74.0073536451560203_100_652 Reid Avenueredacted-o8$297,800$10,154
40.926405937617-74.0071744119970203_100_748 Reid Avenueredacted-o8$306,300$10,444
40.926410716579-74.006992061610203_100_842 Reid Avenueredacted-o8$353,100$12,040
40.926415461041-74.0068110603780203_100_938 Reid Avenueredacted-o8$260,800$8,893
40.92642013068-74.0066344449610203_100_1032 Reid Avenueredacted-o8$264,300$9,012
40.926424757785-74.0064564991140203_100_1128 Reid Avenueredacted-o8$289,200$9,611

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