// ---------- // Note, google does not appear to recognize defined "identifier" in schema below. 5 Sloop Ct owned by redacted-o9 in Atlantic City, Atlantic County, New Jersey - PogoData.org
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New Jersey Property Data

redacted-o9, 5 Sloop Ct, Atlantic City, New Jersey

Parcel ID: 0102_113_47

Parcel Summary, click blue button for Parcel Details:

Owner: redacted-o9
Address: 5 Sloop Ct, Atlantic City, New Jersey
County: Atlantic
Block: 113, Lot: 47
Assessment (2023): $118,500
Preliminary BFE (100-year storm) NAVD88: 9'
Effective Flood Zone: NOT_INC
Preliminary Flood Zone: AE

Municipal Data:
Parcels: 16,816
Area: 10179.2 acres
Perimeter: 18.61 miles
Population 2020: 38497
Pop Density 2020: 2420/sq-mi

26 neighbors in Atlantic City whose centroid is within 200 feet of parcel centroid

Click in Parcel column to view all data for parcel.
latlonParcelLocationOwner NameAssessmentTaxes
39.372306289724-74.4165045476670102_113_29201 Melrose Averedacted-o8$900,000$32,085
39.372356727493-74.4169221702780102_113_3112 Galleon Ctredacted-o8$112,600$4,014
39.372398350611-74.4168152557190102_113_3010 Galleon Ctredacted-o8$114,100$4,067
39.372473066978-74.4165864437010102_113_387 Galleon Ctredacted-o8$101,400$3,614
39.37254132968-74.4164175554440102_113_458 Sloop Ctredacted-o8$106,800$3,807
39.372552829096-74.4166399415860102_113_395 Galleon Ctredacted-o8$99,700$3,554
39.372586639945-74.416941674970102_111_39 Galleon Ctredacted-o8$112,600$4,014
39.3726210852-74.416471028460102_113_446 Sloop Ctredacted-o8$118,900$4,238
39.372623449454-74.4166873322560102_113_403 Galleon Ctredacted-o8$99,700$3,554
39.372636553332-74.4161819697540102_113_467 Sloop Ctredacted-o8$106,800$3,807
39.372691719705-74.4165184126760102_113_434 Sloop Ctredacted-o8$117,800$4,199
39.372698933508-74.4167378416990102_113_411 Galleon Ctredacted-o8$100,500$3,582
39.372716306274-74.4162355020640102_113_475 Sloop Ctredacted-o8$118,500$4,224
39.37276711846-74.4165691491040102_113_422 Sloop Ctredacted-o8$118,000$4,206
39.372786926245-74.4162828555970102_113_483 Sloop Ctredacted-o8$100,400$3,579
39.372862411894-74.4163333742520102_113_491 Sloop Ctredacted-o8$106,100$3,782
39.372870716865-74.4168531105810102_112_131 Schooner Ctredacted-o8$107,900$3,846
39.372938903136-74.4166843996590102_112_82 Schooner Ctredacted-o8$107,900$3,846
39.372954647235-74.4169095405970102_112_229 Schooner Ctredacted-o8$110,900$3,953
39.373022908825-74.4167406202150102_112_74 Schooner Ctredacted-o8$118,900$4,238
39.373025683334-74.4164429242230102_109_541 Schooner Ctredacted-o8$106,000$3,778
39.373093538117-74.4167880115180102_112_66 Schooner Ctredacted-o8$118,900$4,238
39.373101066359-74.4164936221430102_109_533 Schooner Ctredacted-o8$118,500$4,224
39.373171691346-74.4165410017060102_109_525 Schooner Ctredacted-o8$118,500$4,224
39.373175026069-74.4168447735270102_112_58 Schooner Ctredacted-o8$121,100$4,317
39.373242308097-74.416588417750102_109_517 Schooner Ctredacted-o8$118,500$4,224

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